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Thursday 4 July 2013

Best Ways to Increase Google PageRank

10 Best Ways to Increase Google Page Rank

 PageRank, this is a term which is familiar to all pro bloggers and newbie bloggers, yet I will tell about them. Google PageRank is a rank given to every blog and website, it helps to determine the quality of the content in the site.

1.) Top Notch Article Quality:

This is the first and foremost rule which you should follow to increase Google Page Rank. No matter, how much you build links, the first thing is you must have good quality articles in your site. I’ll share my own experience. When I was a newbie blogger, I never knew what was Page Rank, link building and those stuffs, I just kept writing Quality Articles and on the Page Rank update, I got PR2, that was the turning point of my blogging, then onwards, I started to link build, submit Guest Posts and other methods and now waiting for the Page Rank to increase again. You must have understood, Only high quality articles are necessary to get PR(Page Rank) rather than Link Building.

2.) Regular Updates:

And the second important thing is, you have to update your Blog once in three days with Fresh and Quality Content. This makes Google have a Trust on your site and assigns your site  a good Google PageRank.

3.) Interlinking Posts:

When you write posts, find the best keywords in the post and interlink your previous posts in your site. This helps in two ways, First one is Google crawls the previous posts too and on the other hand when readers read your articles, they check out the interlinked posts too, and you get traffic for those old posts too. And one important thing, do not spam your post by interlinking posts too much, which Google hates.

4.) Guest posting:

You spend time to write posts for your site, spend little time to write for other sites too, write some posts with an author bio of yours containing 2 links linking to the best posts in your site. Do remember, submit posts only to High PR Sites.

5.) Comment, Comment and Commenting:

By the heading itself, you would have understood, keep on commenting on other blogs. It is good if you comment on High PR Do follow blogs with CommentLUV to increase Google PageRank.

6.) Website Up-time:

Google hates if it finds your site down, so choose a Web hosting wisely, spend money buying a host which has sure Uptime.

7.) Website Loading Time:

Google will love you if your site is fast. If your site is fast, you will get more traffic too. To make your site fast, compress high sized images, install cache plugins, Use CSS instead of Images.

8.) Social Bookmarking:

Social Bookmarking is an awesome method to increase Google PageRank as well as traffic. Share your posts in Famous Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Squidoo.

9.) Usage of No-follow Links:

In your posts, do not allow all links to be DoFollow. Linking sites in posts for information, Reference should always be NoFollow. Make all external links in the post as NoFollow except the author’s backlinks. Another secrt to increase your Google Pagerank.

10.) Submit to Article Directories:

Once your site is ready and has good posts, submit your site to famous article directories like DMOZ, Ezine Articles, Yahoo Directory, Go Articles. These article directories have good authority in Google’s Ranking. So it will benefit your site too! Share This :


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