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Friday, 11 October 2013

How to Improve Google Back links to your Blog

For many of those wanting to get a higher place on the search results pages provided by Google, backlinks are extremely essential, giving them the possibility of increasing their page rank and improving the promotional potential of their websites.

Keeping track of all your back links can be a difficult task at best, however with the webmaster console tool created by Google, it has become much easier to track them and get some proper feedback on the way your SEO promotional strategies have worked so far.

1. Write Useful, Interesting, and Fresh Content
There is no better way to increase organic search traffic to your blog than to frequently write interesting and useful content. If your content stinks, no one will want to read it, and if your blog is never updated with fresh content, no one will ever find it. If your content isn't worthy of being linked to, you won't get valuable and useful incoming links to it.

2. Create Highly Share able Content
Some types of content are naturally more share able than others. For example, info graphics, in-depth tutorials, embedded images and widgets, research reports, videos, and eBooks are all easily share able. People like visual stimuli, so images are important to give your blog content a chance to be shared and linked to again and again. Learn 10 tips to write blog posts that get shared and increase traffic.

3. Avoid Tricks and Designs that Damage User Experience

Don't sacrifice the user experience on your blog for tricks that boost page views on your blog. These tricks can do more harm than good in terms of the share ability of your content. Slideshows are a perfect example. Think of it this way -- which site would you rather link to and share with your own audience - the site with all of the information on one easy-to-read page or the site that makes you click through a ten page slideshow to see all the content? Furthermore, blogs cluttered with slow-loading ads and images are also less likely to be shared than clean blogs that load quickly in a visitor's web browser. Always think of your reader first and sharing, links, and traffic will increase naturally as a result. Finally, don't pay for incoming links to your blog unless you want to lose all Google search traffic in the future.

4. Create Resource and FAQ Pages
People love to link to pages that provide tons of useful information and resources. With that in mind, create resource lists on your blog that compile links to all of your best posts on specific topics in a single page on your blog along with snippets about each article. Also, create a frequently asked questions page about topics related to your blog and fill it with answers as well as with links to posts on your blog that answer those questions in more detail. Even resources pages that link to external sites can be highly share able. For example, bloggers who create list posts like "The 10 Most Important People on Twitter You Should Be Following" or "20 Blogs About XYZ You Should Be Reading" often go viral. Just make sure to include more than a list of links on a page. Add some descriptions and text to give Google and other search engines something to crawl.

5. Create Round-up Posts
Round-up blog posts have been used by bloggers for years to accomplish a few things: to share links to great content from other blogs and websites with your audience, to link to great blogs and websites to get on their radar screens, and to generate sharing of your own round-up posts which creates more back links to your blog. If your round-up posts are comprehensive, targeted, or just plain great, people will share them.

6. Create Templates, Worksheets or Useful Documents
Are there any kinds of templates, worksheets, spreadsheets, plans, or other documents that people interested in your blog topic need? Create downloadable templates to help them get started with whatever task they want to accomplish and offer them for free on your blog. For example, a web design blog could offer templates for creating a Facebook cover image or a Twitter heading image.

7. Write and Publish Quality Guest Posts
Guest blogging is a great way to boost incoming links to your blog, but focus on publishing guest posts on quality sites that provide valuable back links to your blog. Low quality sites could do more harm than good to your blog in the long-term if Google devalues your blog because of them.

8. Write for Other Blogs and Websites
Many top bloggers have something in common. They have written for other blogs and websites (and many still do) as volunteer or paid contributors. As long as bloggers can include links to their own blogs in their post bios on those other quality blogs and websites that they write for, then they are generating valuable incoming links.

9. Make Sure Your Blog is Search-Friendly but Not Over-Optimized
All of your efforts to build back links are helpful, but you won't see an increase in organic search results if you've over-optimized your blog. Too many Google penalties will negate your back link efforts, so be careful.

10. Re purpose Your Content
Extend your blog posts by re purposing them and publishing those new versions of your content across the web. Always include a link back to your blog anytime you publish your re purposed posts. This is a fundamental content marketing tactic that works!
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  1. Very informative and inspiring post, these points are the essential part of creating a better blog and improving one's writing skill


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