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Thursday, 3 October 2013

Top 10 Home Remedies for Chapped lips

Chapped Lips are characterized by dry, cracked, flaky and sore lips that can affect people from time to time at any time of the year. Occasionally, Chapped Lips can be can be painful, embarrassing, and uncomfortable because they can interfere with many daily activities, such as smiling, eating and talking. Common signs and symptoms include dryness, redness, tenderness and sensitivity, cracking, splitting, peeling, and pain.

Minor lip dryness can be healed by simply removing the cause of the dryness or using some of the home remedies listed below. However, if dry lips are causing inflammation and bleeding, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your doctor immediately since it can lead to severe infection.

Causes of Chapped Lips:

Some factors that lead to chapped lips are:

• Deficiency of vitamins, iron or essential fatty acids.
• Allergic reaction to some chemicals.
• Dehydration
• Excessive licking of lips
• Exposure to sun radiations
• Smoking
• Certain medications
• Change in climatic conditions

Top 10 Home Remedies for Chapped lips:

Coconut Oil

For treating dry chapped lips, you can always rely on coconut oil. It is a kind of natural moisturizer that can be applied on the dry lips without any kind of side effects. Those having chapped lips must apply pure coconut oil several times a day in order to keep the lips moist. This remedy is particularly good when the problem of dry lips is due to cold and dry climatic condition. Apart from coconut oil you can also use olive oil or mustard oil.


Another simple natural way to treat chapped lips is cucumber. Simply take a small slice of cucumber and rub it across the dry lips gently so that the juice is applied properly over the skin. Leave it for fifteen to twenty minutes and then wash the lips with normal water. When this remedy is repeated several times a day, the juice of cucumber will fasten the healing process and soon the problem will be cured.

Aloe Vera

The healing quality of Aloe Vera is a well known fact and it can also be used to treat chapped lips. Those having the problem of chapped lips must put a little amount of Aloe vera gel on their lips daily. The herbal benefits of Aloe Vera will also give relief from the pain.  The Aloe vera gel has got an unpleasant taste but the amazing healing quality of it cannot be ignored at any cost.

Rose Petals

The rose plant in your garden can also come to your rescue when suffering from chapped lips. Take a handful of rose petals and wash them properly in water. Next soak the petals in raw milk for a few hours. Finally mash the rose petals in order to make a thick paste which you must apply on the dry lips two to three times a day and especially every night before going to bed. This remedy will help in maintaining the moisture of your lips as well as in retaining the color of your lips. Instead of raw milk you can also use glycerin.


Dehydration and lack of moisture can also be the reasons behind your chapped lips. This is why you must drink plenty of water during the day to keep the body well hydrated. Try to start your day by drinking one or two glasses of water on empty stomach. At the same before going to bed also you must drink at least one glass of water. This will help in keeping the body free of toxins and at the same time your body will remain hydrated throughout the day.

Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is also very effective in treating dry lips. Simply apply some petroleum jelly over your dry lips several times a day to keep them well protected. It is recommended to apply petroleum jelly on the dry lips before going to bed in order to keep the lips well nourished during the night. Else you can first put a light coat of honey on the lips and allow it to dry for a few seconds and then apply a light coat of petroleum jelly. Wait for a few minutes and then remove it using a cotton ball dipped in warm water. Repeat this remedy twice daily.

Milk Cream

You can also use milk cream to treat chapped lips. The high amount of fat present in milk cream works as a great natural lip moisturizer. Apply some fresh milk cream on the lips and leave it for ten minutes. Finally gently clean the lips with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water. This will help in removing the dead skin cells from the dry lips. When milk cream is applied on the lips daily, it will heal the lips faster and will your lips soft.


Honey is a great moisturizer and due to its amazing healing and anti-bacterial properties it can be used to treat chapped lips. Take some pure honey and apply them on your chapped lips. When this remedy is repeated several times a day it will fasten up the healing process as well help in retaining the moisture of your lips. Else you can make a paste of honey and glycerin and apply them on the lips before going to bed to enjoy softer lips in the morning.


At times to treat chapped lips you need to exfoliate the dead skin cells. For this you will need sugar and honey. Take two teaspoon sugar and mix it with one teaspoon honey. Apply this paste on to your lips and leave it for a few minutes. Then with the help of your fingers gently rub the mixture on your lips in order to remove all the dry skin cells. Finally wash the lips properly with Luke warm water. Once your lips are nicely exfoliated they will be become very soft and smooth.

Castor Oil

Applying castor oil on your dry and chapped lips several times a day can make them smooth and pink. Else you can make a mixture by adding one teaspoon castor oil to one teaspoon glycerin and a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Mix it properly and apply it on your lips before going to bed. Next morning clean your lips with a cotton ball dipped in lukewarm water. When this remedy is followed routinely it will encourage healing and soon you will have softer and smoother lips.
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