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Monday, 14 October 2013

Top 10 Home Remedies For Eczema Scars

There are many home treatments which will provide you relief from the itch and pain associated with eczema.  They also help to reduce the unsightly scars.

Here are 10 effective home remedies for getting rid of eczema scars:

This remedy has excellent ability to remove all types of scars.  The antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties to help you reduce any skin problems.  Wash the area with rashes and apply honey directly on the rashes.  You can also make a body scrub using honey and sugar and scrub the affected areas of the skin. Rinse off the honey or the scrub after 20-30 minutes with cold or warm water. Repeat the treatment daily to heal the scars of eczema.

Aloe Vera
Take the gel from the fresh leaves of aloe Vera and apply it on the scars. This will reduce the dark scars of eczema. You can alternatively use it with vitamin E oil. Apply the remedy on the skin and leave it overnight. Next day morning use warm water to wash it off. Apply this remedy regularly to make the scars vanish.

Lemon juice has acidic properties and kills the bacteria that will infect the skin.  They also act as bleach and lighten the color of the scars.  The vitamin C present in the lemon juice will help the skin to produce new cells.  You can use lemon juice for the treatment of scars in different ways. You can either apply the fresh juice directly on the skin or you can mix the juice with sugar and use it for exfoliating the skin. This will remove the dead scar cells. Drinking water with lemon juice added to it helps to remove the toxins from your body. This makes healing of scars faster.

Apple Cider Vinegar
The antifungal and antibacterial properties of this home remedy help to prevent the flare up of eczema and also help to reduce the scars. Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey in one glass of water and drink it thrice a day. This home remedy will increase the immunity of the body and helps in reducing inflammation and scarring. You can also apply apple cider vinegar on the affected areas by diluting it with 1 part water   the dryness and itchiness of the scars can be reduced by this method.

Fish Oil
If you want to minimize the scars caused by eczema, you should regularly take fish oil capsules. The fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids which help to reduce inflammations in the body. This helps to reduce the eczema scars. It is necessary to take a daily dose of 1200 milligrams three times a day to fade away the scars left by eczema attack. You can also consume foods enriched with fish oil to treat the scars.

Olive Oil
This is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent and it reduces the inflammations caused by eczema. It softens the skin and reduces the skin color. It is necessary that you use extra virgin olive oil to get the proper result from the remedy. Apply the extra virgin oil directly on the scars. Leave it on the skin for a few minutes. Wipe away the oil using lukewarm water.

Coconut Oil
The virgin coconut oil has antiseptic properties and it also moisturizes the skin. Rub virgin coconut oil on the affected areas many times a day. This is one of the most effective home remedies for eczema scars.

Vitamin E Oil
Break open Vitamin E capsules and apply the oil contained in them on the affected skin. Avoid synthetic vitamin E. Read the labels of the capsule before buying it. You can also make a paste of vitamin E rich nuts like almonds and walnuts and apply it on the calloused skin. This remedy helps in itch reduction and removal of inflammation. The oil present in the nuts softens the skin and the granules exfoliate the skin removing the dead scar cells.

Cocoa Butter
This natural remedy helps to restore the damaged skin and get rid of the scars.   Use pure cocoa butter and avoid beauty products containing the cocoa butter. The other ingredients in the product may aggravate your eczema.  The cocoa butter moisturizes the skin when applied daily on the scars.

Baking Soda
Make a smooth paste of baking soda with water apply it on the affected skin and gently massage for two minutes. Rinse of the mix with lukewarm water. You will find an instant reduction in the redness and inflammation around the scars.
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